Esquire $7.57 for 6 issues
Time $7.12 for 12 issues
Daily Word $14.96 for 6 issues
Elle $9.45 for 10 issues
Harper's $14.22 for 12 issues
Town & Country $14.24 for 9 issues

DEAL OF THE DAY: The Tablet Newspaper $17.10 for 50 issues
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Friday, February 7, 2025  

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Please keep in mind that doesn't sell or publish any magazines. We track the lowest price for 702 magazines from 12 stores. If your inquiry is about a specific magazine or an order from a specific store, please contact the publisher or the store. If you want to contact us here at, please use the most appropriate e-mail address below. Please make sure you have Whitelisted or you might not be able to get a response!

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Consumers: Who should you contact?
The PublisherThe
If you need to change your address, have missed an issue, need to merge two subscriptions, want to submit a story, are looking for back issues, etc., you need to contact the magazine publisher. Sorry, but we don't have contact information for the publishers.If you want to check the status of your order, you need to contact the store you ordered it from. We don't have access to customer or order information for any of the stores whose prices we track.If you have a problem with a store that you've not been able to get resolved, have a question about, or have found a discrepancy with pricing or a coupon listed here, contact us.

Trying to contact a specific publisher? Contact the publisher directly.
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Top Magazines

Best Price for TV Guide Subscription
TV Guide

$20 for 52 issues

Guideposts $18.97 for 6 issues

Sojourners $19.95 for 11 issues

Daily Word $14.96 for 6 issues

Today's Christian Living $19.95 for 6 issues

Biblical Archaeology Review $47.70 for 4 issues

Indianapolis Monthly $22.80 for 12 issues

More Top Magazines

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Please note that only tracks prices for US delivery of magazine subscriptions at this time. Prices are subject to change. If a coupon is available, the price shown is the net price after the coupon. Standard delivery time for the first issue of most monthly magazines is usually 6 to 16 weeks. Unless otherwise specified, prices are usually good for new subscriptions, renewals, or gift subscriptions. The number of issues is for informational purposes only. Magazine subscriptions are sold by the subscription length, and publishers sometimes change the number of issues per year. Use of this site constitutes agreement with our Terms of Service.

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