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Family Tree Magazine

Family Tree
Family Tree Magazine is the world's best resource for discovering, preserving and celebrating family history. This magazine covers all the areas of potential interest to family-history enthusiasts, reaching beyond genealogy research to also encompass ethnic heritage, family reunions, scrapbooking and historic travel. Family Tree features lively articles, photos, boxes and lists that make it fun and easy to find your roots, preserve your past and relive the experiences of your ancestors. From researching your genealogy to celebrating your heritage in crafts and festivals, to planning a trip back to the old country, Family Tree is an essential tool to discover, preserve and celebrate your family's history.
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Best Price for Family Tree Magazine

*BEST VALUE* Get 6 issues for $24.69 ($4.12 per issue) from with coupon code "MPS5Poff".

*BEST VALUE* Get 12 issues for $49.38 ($4.12 per issue) from with coupon code "MPS5Poff".

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More Descriptions for Family Tree Magazine

Family Tree
1 Year (6 Issues) - Family Tree Magazine offers the best research tools and practices to trace your family's history
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Family Tree
Family Tree is a history magazine devoted to helping readers uncover the unique past and history of their families, and helps readers learn the ins and outs of ancestry and the family tree. Family Tree Magazine Subscription, 6 Issues, History Magazine Subscriptions
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Family Tree
The world's best resource for discovering, preserving and celebrating family history. Family Tree covers all aspects of ancestry and the family tree. Readers will be treated to some of the best resources on discovering family history and learning about the past. Each new issue helps ancestry and history buffs learn more about their own families. The content taps in to the use of photographs, the internet, newspaper archives, first-person testimonials, and more. Family Tree also includes guides and census reports on specific topics, such as ethnicity and geographical regions.
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